Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Project Blue-Take 5

Baby blues. Everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE shooting people. I know that this is pushing it with project blue but enlarge the picture and just take a look at those eyes! This was my day. Filled with smiles and lots and lots of water. After we played in this wonderful creek we had a HUGE storm. You know, the kind with rivers running down the street and thunder that shakes the house. I love storms, so I did enjoy it this evening but I'm so glad that it held off and just let us play with our friends!

P.S. The website is getting SO close!


Jeanne Damoff said...

Gorgeous eyes! I'd say this definitely counts.

I love storms, too, and Texas has amazing thunder storms. My daughter lives in Seattle now, where it rains all the time, but almost never thunders. Whenever she comes home, she prays for a thunder storm. :)

Anna said...

That second image is wonderful! Obviously they both are great but that look is the best!

Anna said...

Oh and so you know, I am stoked to see your site when it is up! ;)

Robert said...

I couldn't help but smile big when I saw these. Ya, the eyes are incredible. But those expressions. You really captured them. These images depict the difference between taking a picture and capturing a moment. You captured moments here.

Anonymous said...

Blue eyes and a blue mood...looking forward to seeing your new site. My hat's off to you for taking the project on.

Carletta said...

I don't think it's pushing it at all. I'm with Anna on this one - she's a precious little blue-eyed girl, but that young man's expression has stolen the show!

Anna said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your header!

Anna said...

Beautiful eyes! Can't wait to see the website!

Raven said...

Both lovely, but that second one is really wonderful. I enjoyed your ohter project blue photos too - especially the bus.

Anil P said...

Up-close they're deep, those pools, like the water.